Who I am ? life coach brussels

My interest in psychology and in others is not a coincidence. I am a hypersensitive empath with life experiences that were not always easy. I also have a particular approach to emotions, to relationships with others, to the environment, to information… This led me to undertake profound personal work and a repositioning. Psychologist Uccle
As a wife, as a mother, my life changed from the very moment when I learned to listen to myself and when I understood that my sensitivity was a tremendous asset. Psychologist Uccle
I graduated from the ULB in psychology in 1990 and have been working as a psychologist for over 30 years. Psychologist Uccle
Attracted by the hospital environment and clinical psychology first, I have accompanied for over 15 years people suffering from multiple sclerosis or having undergone a trauma, within a clinical environment. Then, the desire to explore new horizons led me to the corporate world, where I wanted to complete and reinforce my knowledge.
Throughout these years, various trainings have allowed me to develop my skills in systemic and family therapy, mindfulness, EFT, non-violent communication, prevention of burnout, workplace harassment, interpersonal relations and conflict management.
My education and training, combined with a diversified practice, allow me to offer psychotherapy and psychological support through a global approach of the person based on the identification of the problems and a good reading of the symptoms. In this way, I can offer you a sound understanding, support and analysis to help you move forward with your request. Psychotherapist Uccle

During the first meeting, I will listen to you and we will review together the aspects of your life that raise questions or that are more difficult for you to live at the moment. We will look into what can help you, and we will identify your strengths in order to find creative solutions to better face your difficulties. Your own story is always at the center of our conversations.
Gradually, we come up with ideas that may be key to helping you cope and accept yourself, so that you gain confidence and find a way to deal with your problems yourself. What seemed like a difficult situation often turns out to be an opportunity… Psychotherapist Uccle

Please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have. Psychotherapist Uccle

Do you have any questions or doubts, or would you like to make an appointment? Get in touch!

Do you have further questions or doubts (such as whether your request can be met)? Call our secretary’s office to make an appointment or send an email to the secretary’s office, Thérapeute Belgique office, to the attention of  Geneviève Ellegaard.

Geneviève Ellegaard – Life coach Brussels

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Vous êtes coach, vous travaillez à temps plein ou à temps partiel dans votre cabinet? coaching de vie
Cependant, trouver suffisamment de nouveaux clients peut être une difficulté pour de nombreux thérapeutes. D’autres ne sont tout simplement pas à l’aise en sollicitant activement de nouveaux clients.
Si vous souhaitez obtenir plus d’informations sur ce que nous pouvons faire pour vous en tant que coach indépendant, n’hésitez pas à nous contacter.

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Si vous désirez obtenir de plus amples informations ou si vous avez des questions, n’hésitez pas à contacter le secrétariat.
Vous pouvez prendre un rendez-vous par téléphone ou en envoyant un e-mail à notre secrétariat coaching Bruxelles, à l’attention du coach de votre choix.